
Showing posts from April, 2017


P.FEELINGS MOVIE PRODUCTION BY PETER ABRAHAM { P FEELINGS } P FEELINGS Ignore the audience and tell yourself no one is looking at or watching you. Stage fright is actually the belief that you're afraid of being embarrassed or humiliated in front of many people, so if you ignore them and act like they aren't there, you have nothing to worry about. How do I feel the emotions of the characters I play? P FEELINGS Place yourself in the character's shoes. Say there is a rat in the room -- how would you react if that was the case? Imagine yourself in your head and then convert it into reality, allowing the feelings, emotions and actions to flow through the character. What do I do if I have no experience? P FEELINGS Try out for plays and musical...


4 Use your pace and volume to dictate the energy of a scene. When reciting lines it's tempting to blaze through them as fast as you can. But this is a surefire way to lose the nuance of your role. Instead, let your pacing and volume mimic your character's internal state. Nervous or scared characters often talk quickly, rushing the words out. Angry characters will raise their voice, and may slow down their speech (to make a point) or speed it up (when overflowing with anger). Happy/excited characters tend to speak with an even volume, or raise volume as the speech goes on. They talk quickly. A variety of pacing and volume, depending on the scene, is a great way to show characters changing or reacting to certain events.    5 Play with the emphasis in your lines. Think about the subtext of every line, and emphasize accordingly. Emphasis the lined is stressed. Think of it as the most important word or phrase of the sentence. It may not ...


P.FEELINGS MOVIES PRODUCTION   READ TO LEARN - A WRITE UP BY PETER ABRAHAM. SCREENPLAY BY AB-RINSA There is always someone who can step on stage and steal the whole show. They are such a good actor / actress that they pull you into their world and leave you on the edge of your seat. Keep reading to find out.   WAYS OF BEEN A GOOD ACTOR OR ACTRESS    Method 1 Preparing For the Role 1 Read the entire script 2-3 times. You need to know the entire play/movies or episode well, not just your character. Actors exist to drive forward the larger theme and plot of a movie, play or TV show. If you don't understand the larger themes and ideas of the script then your performance will seem out of place. When reading the script, ask yourself what the main theme of the work is. How does your character fit into the story? Once you're got a grasp on the full story, turn to your parts and read them an extra 1-2 times. Now, focus on your char...


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my country

my county my word all atpfeelings movies production


                                                             nolly wood actress miss sabastine. she is one of the best of the movie    title               to late to weep the sciret  she played the rool of nancy. the gost who keep the film on supect. click on sabatine for more information   miss sabastine  
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